RussianHearts - Мошенник с сайта знакомств


Фэйковые фотографии и красивые любовные письма. Девочки не ведитесь на мошенников, проверяйте информацию и фотографии в гугле. Вот цитата из его письма:
Hello my dear!
Good evening my dear and how was your day today, Hope you are fine and doing well, It is my pleasure to write to you again and thank you for the email you send to me and everything you write is well noted and understood, I want you to know that meeting on the social network is something i too never believe but i was told in the site russiaheart i will meet a true happiness. I saw so many woman on the site but i contacted you because looking at your profile i have this strong feeling that we are made for each other, let me tell you a little about me. My name is Michael Robert. I am an American engineer on contract here in Libya, I will complete my contract in the near future and will want to be with you. I attended (Texas A & M University, USA). I'm 55 years old, I was born 14/04/1963, I was married but she passed away, Since she died, I have been alone but still not complete because i need a woman...

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