Numphon Tanabor Verified email

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Профиль Numphon Tanabor

  1. Дата регистрации: 29.07.2020
  2. Россия


Жалобы пользователя Numphon Tanabor

Знакомства (комментарий)

30.07.2020 Numphon Tanabor
Брачный аферист

he write to me by name is: Thomas carter. business man diamond in UK.and going syria .business done. but have many dollar can't bring out.have way in syria,and the airport closed all,So he need 2200$ for helicopter bring from Syria to Labanon .but i have 300 $, and still want to meet me in thailand.he see me in web pay credit for talk.and add me by Wechat.china

Знакомства (комментарий)

29.07.2020 Numphon Tanabor
Брачный аферист

I want to know,he is scammer or not? and have you know about real this man? he told me in name Thomas carter. from UK. haha he have alot of name right? letme knew